Külföldi torrent oldalak Awesome-HD | AHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. április 20..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Awesome-HD Annual Account Amnesty (2020)

    It's time to offer account amnesty for 2020. Anyone who has had their account disabled for inactivity may ask to have it re-enabled during this period (we normally don't re-enable accounts that have been inactive for over a year). If you know anyone who may be looking to have an old account re-enabled because of inactivity tell them to join our IRC, follow the instructions in the channel, and, after confirming their identity and answering a few quick questions, they can be back up and running with their old account. IRC server connection details are:

    Server: irc.awesome-hd.me
    Port: 6667 (+6697 ssl)
    Channel: #help

    All connections to our server must be unproxied in order to be considered for amnesty. Turn off your VPNs and servers and connect from a regular home connection so we can process your request quickly when you get to our irc channel.

    Account amnesty will run from Monday, 20 April to Sunday, 26 April.