Külföldi torrent oldalak Aither | Aither.cc News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. augusztus 03..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    Bitcoin Donations added

    We are now accepting BTC Donations! here


    New Payment option for Donations: BTC

    Hi there!

    We have added a new payment option, you are now able to donate with Bitcoin!
    Currently there are PayPal & Bitcoin accepted.

    For the new BTC Payments, please make sure to send a PM to me after payment.

    Thanks to all who help to cover our server fees!

    Happy Leeching,


    Uploader of The Month

    Hey everybody.


    UPLOADER OF THE MONTH Purpose: We dont want our members feeling their contributions go unnoticed or unloved. Therefore, besides ordinary tipping and nice comments for an uploaded torrent, we will now have something else to aim for.


    1. You may not break down complete packs or seasons etc into individual episodes just to be able to upload more
    2. You must be on the same level as before this contest, No rushing torrents that we have to postpone later. Mass unsatisfied torrents can exclude you
    3. Everyone may enter except staff Mod / Admin / Owner
    4. Minimum size of torrents in the contest is 500MB
    5. Anything goes, except forbidden stuff as long as >500MB

    PS: Please pay attention to no.2 . If we have to postpone several torrents from same user due to rushing will lead to disqualification.


    1. Random Premium Steam Game, we set the level at 75-100 score to ensure descent or excellent game. Yes you must use steam, or at least install it if winner, 15000 BON, 5 Invites and 2 Freeleech Tokens
    2. 10000 BON, 3 Invites and 1 Freeleech Token
    3. 5000 BON, 2 Invites and 1 Freeleech Token
    4. 2000 BON, 1 Invite and 1 Freeleech Token

    2 August To 1 September

    OBS: DO NOT forget about the minimum 3 day seeding, so if you don't have the space, please dont accumulate alot of HnR
    OBS: We cannot check all members, so those who want to participate have to reply in this thread.