Külföldi torrent oldalak Torrentleech.org | TL News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. november 02..

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    2016. április 14.
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    New Request System / Achievements added

    Today we have updated Torrentleech with a lot of bugfixes and two new functions: a proper request system and achievements! In this post we will tell you how these work.

    Please keep in mind we are currently releasing these systems as BETA. We are looking forward for your feedback to improve them as we go, so make sure to jump on our forum and let us know what you think!


    How will the system work?

    If you are looking for a release that isn’t on the site yet, you can now request it via our new request system. All you need is the proper amount of points to make the request (this is based on your user class) and some basic information as to what you are requesting. Once the request has been made, any other member with Power User class or above can fill your request! The torrent used to fill the request will not be visible until the request is approved or declined. Anyone can make a request, and any member that is Power user and above can fill it! For more details on how the request system works, please refer to this Wiki article we prepared for you here


    We have added a bunch of achievements that are not real-time. Once every hour achievements will be updated to keep the server load down. Once the system goes live you should have your achievements within 24 hours up to date. Be aware that certain details haven’t been logged in the past, so we can’t dish out achievements for ‘downloaded xyz games’ or ‘seeded for xyz time’ other than what you currently have in your snatchlist. For most users this means that they will get certain achievements later, whilst they might have reached certain achievements already in the past. Clean start for everyone! ^__^

    Some more visual updates took place as well. You will notice now that your userbar has way more information and its easier to navigate than before :tef293:

    Enjoy the site, we are working on so many more exciting things for you!