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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. november 21..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Summary of the sixth round of open applications and the first round of IRC applications

    Let's look at the pictures first!


    The sixth round of open application statistics

    In this one-month round of applications, we received a total of 225 valid applications, of which 183 were passed, 35 were rejected, and 7 were invalid. The pass ratio reached a record high of 81.3%.

    Before deciding to develop the IRC application system, we were concerned: Will some people be discouraged from applying for entry due to complexity? When applicants encounter difficulties, do we have time to help solve them in time? If the system encounters a BUG, can we settle it as soon as possible? Will it end badly because of the fact that such a situation has never appeared in the country?

    The result was indeed a bleak ending. For a whole month, only more than 200 applications were received.

    This is far below our expectations, but it is also within our expectations. Expectations are expectations, and expectations are reality.

    Foreign sites, regardless of the small public, whether you have heard it or not, no matter the threshold is high, almost without exception, will adopt the IRC system. The reason why we follow suit is not to emulate foreigners, but to complement each other's strengths, as the sheepskin scroll said, It’s smart to learn from others. IRC has very good advantages for PT sites, whether it is communication security or seed subscription. Therefore, we hope that through the efforts of Dolphin Station, we will make everyone from unfamiliar to familiar. I won’t be there. Starting from us, then you, step by step, will drive the improvement of all users in the domestic circle.

    Regarding the application, the IRC application is like a sieve, examining the applicant's ability and willingness to master something that has never been touched before. I have seen more than one person spend a few hours on IRC, not only learning basic operations, but also understanding more advanced gameplay. Dolphin is happy to provide resources and channels for such users to work together. Someone can pass the sieve, and naturally some will be brushed off. We have encountered insults and abuses submitted through the application channel more than once, and IRC can well keep this type of boring person out of the door, avoiding wasting each other's time; at the same time, those who are not willing to enter the site are strong. They are often unwilling to spend time learning new “toys”, which also saves auditors’ time and energy, so that they can better process applications and judge more carefully.

    It is also during this period that we completed the optimization of the registration email, inbound welcome letter and other texts. If there is no IRC, we may not have time to complete these valuable tasks.

    Thanks for the hard work of the developers and reviewers, and thank you for your enthusiastic participation. Dolphin welcomes you. Although it is still small today, I firmly believe that it will become better and better with the joint efforts of new and old users; even if the mountains are high and the road is long, we must move forward.