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    2016. április 14.
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    Principles for handling prohibited resources

    "The Book of Rites·University" has the saying that the Qi family governs the country and the world, goes up to the big country, goes down to the small home, seemingly different but in fact the same. Any circle or group has its own principles and spirit. In this The circle of resource sharing, the original resource is Naganquan. I believe that any site will take the protection of original resources seriously, and DIC is no exception. Some time ago, there were one or two reprinting of prohibited resources. In order to maintain the circle, the following instructions are hereby made.

    Attitudes towards reprinting banned resources
    Respect for original resources is the first consideration.
    In the early days of DIC's establishment, the first batch of regulations on prohibiting the reprinting of resources from other sites were added to the "Prohibited Publication List" on the publishing page.
    We will seriously deal with any illegal reprinting of prohibited resources, whether it is transferred out or in.

    Principles for handling matters related to reprinting banned resources
    Negotiation principles:
    Transfer out: First of all, this site has stated on the publishing page when setting the original mark: Prohibited transfer (no transfer allowed) only represents the publisher's personal wishes. This site does not make any guarantees as to whether the resources will be transferred to other places. . We respect the willingness of any original author to share. If the resource is illegally transferred, we would like to help users defend their rights, but please understand that we cannot substitute for users to exercise the right to appeal. After all, we also have to respect the rules of other sites, and we will not pass it privately. Relations to deal with banned transfers. If possible, we are willing to help users to recommend, but the specific negotiations still require users to do it themselves. The final processing result will be determined by the management of other sites, and this site has no right to interfere. In the specific negotiation process, we recommend that users pay attention to respect and politely express their demands when communicating with other site management.
    Transfer: If it is found that the transfer of resources from other sites is prohibited on this site, we only accept appeals from the original users themselves. You can contact us through the official TG channel, the official IRC, or the other sites can manage the referral.
    Reprinting principles: whether it is reprinting directly or indirectly, the management should first objectively understand the origin of the matter, such as the source of the resource, the source of reprinting, direct/indirect reprinting, resource modification and purpose (good faith/malicious modification), and page description of the source at the time of reprinting (Not a page modified after the incident), dictated by the reprinter, dictated by the original creator, etc., and then the ruling is as follows:
    Transfer out: According to the severity and the number of reposts, "do not process/warn (at least 4 weeks)/disable download permission/lock account/disable account" processing.
    Transfer in: According to the severity and the number of reposts, "do not process/warn (at least 4 weeks)/disable publishing permission/lock account/disable account/resource whether to delete" processing.
    Unique considerations for black sites: DIC is an all-black site, so we have to consider one more layer, that is, when other sites’ banned resources are transferred to this site, if the resource is deleted, it will cause all users who download the resource We all know the importance of buffer in the black seed station after spending the buffer but cannot continue to maintain the seed. The practices of black sites vary internationally. Some sites do not delete original resources from other sites, and some have set a download threshold (such as 10). If this number is not reached, delete them, otherwise they will not be deleted. After many discussions and discussions with users inside and outside the site after the previous incident, we decided: if it is indeed illegal to repost to this site, unless the seed has never been set for free, the number of completions exceeds the number of users on the site 5% of (the data is calculated according to the original user complaint), otherwise it will be deleted. (Take 2000 people on the site as an example, example 1, the resource has not been set free, only 10 people download and delete; example 2, the resource has been set free, 1000 people download, delete; example 3, the resource has not been set free, 120 People download, don’t delete.)
    Some descriptions:
    If the original author publishes the same seed on both stations A and B at the same time, A is banned, and B is not. If reposting from B to DIC, the original publisher cannot request DIC to delete the seeds on the grounds of banning at A station, and the reposting depends on the situation. Liability or exemption.
    If the original author only publishes on station A and banned reposting, is reposted by A to B without a ban on reposting, and then reposted by B from B to DIC, the original publisher cannot request DIC to delete the species on the grounds of prohibiting reposting at station A. B Responsibility or exemption depends on the situation.
    Site A is forbidden to reprint, and the original author agrees to reprint to DIC. If the original author does not want to transfer from this site, the reprinter can use the original mark of this site, but it must be explained in the "seed description" and the source must be indicated. If the reposter did not indicate it in time and did not set a ban on reposting, the original author has authorized the reposter to publish, so he can no longer request DIC to delete the species on the grounds of banning reposting at station A, and communicate with the reposter in private. If it is, you can negotiate with the DIC official, and the reprinter shall be liable or disclaimed according to the situation.
    Although the above three articles have made principled restrictions on the reasons for the original author’s appeal, out of the principle of respect for originality, whether the final seed is deleted and whether the reprinter is held accountable is determined by the DIC working group.
    Regardless of the processing of transfers or transfers, we do not recognize the prohibition of transfers such as "resources sent by me are prohibited" in the personal page introduction of any site (including this site).
    When reprinting, regardless of whether the resource is banned or not, modifying the content of the resource does not necessarily disrespect the originality or maliciousness, and should be handled according to the specific circumstances.

    Forbidden to transfer resources to restrict reprinting has its advantages and disadvantages. It cannot be viewed in a single way. From the perspective of resource circulation, the prohibition of transfers will cause resources to be unable to circulate due to blockage, and even worse, may be lost as the site is closed. However, the original author's willingness is still the first element. To sum up the two points, DIC has been thinking about setting the prohibition mark for a long time. We all talk about the sharing spirit of PT. This is actually a problem between the self and the ego. You are only monopolizing a certain station or you are willing to be reprinted. There is no right or wrong. I just hope that no matter which side you are, you can think more. . Most foreign sites, even many of the "advanced, top-level" sites that are talked about by everyone, do not set bans. This is their openness. Just like Gazelle's architecture, they are everywhere reflected in their openness, mutual assistance, and mutual assistance. The thought of inspection, this is worth learning.

    The classic "Twelve Angry Men" is believed to have been seen by many of my friends, and we talked about the spirit of never suspecting crime. For users who have reposted banned resources, we can certainly convict him, or even convict him of an immoral crime, but we also call on everyone to use tolerance when encountering such things. I believe most people It is not a deliberate injury, but an unintentional act. Even if there is a fault, forgiveness does not necessarily lead to bad results after the accountability has been investigated.

    However, we also know that some resources that the original publisher has worked so hard to produce are stolen and eventually turned into tools for profit-making by criminals. Undoubtedly, these phenomena are chilling for resource sharers.

    Regardless, we still hope to promote communication and interaction between users. We recommend that publishers change the "banned transfer" to "unallowed transfer prohibited".

    For the handling of prohibited resources, the DIC management team has the final right of interpretation and ruling.

    ♫ DIC Working Group