Külföldi torrent oldalak SugoiMusic | SM News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. október 04..

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    2016. április 14.
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    New official sheets, new banners and not-new JPS

    We have 5 new official CSS sheets available that you can choose from within your user settings:

    • Noir I and II: Super dark sheets for the noir in you. These were created by Epiphane
    • Orion: A very well made new stylesheet which looks great and has a lot of issues from the other sheets fixed. Created by: herbert
    • Nostalgia: For the part of you that yearns for JPS - and was one of the few people that actually used the default CSS - this stylesheet is for you. Created by: Epiphane
    • Sugoi: Our default sheet has had some colour changes that make more appealing based on user feedback.
    • Sugoi Dark: A new, even darker version of the classic.

    To submit your own CSS for inclusion to be official submit a PR: https://git.sugoimusic.me/Sugoimusic/frontend/

    New banners

    We now have a banner instead of just the SM logo on it. I have created the first few, but we need more banners from you! You can submit your banners here: Banner Project thread


    Everyone here must now know about the current state of JPS. This site was created just in case there was such an eventuality. I am sure we will all be very sad if it does not come back. There are some plans of what to do if it does indeed never come back in terms of allowing not-yet-transferred JPS torrents to still be setup here. For now though we will wait and see what happens.

    If you never used jps2sm and had a JPS seeding count of 5k+ torrents, send a Staff PM. I will see if I can work something out, but any new 'no-JPS jps2sm' will require a fair amount of Dev. - JPS may still come back though.

    Thank you everyone!

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