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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. május 25..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    There's a new competition coming did you know?

    ACIDKING[​IMG] has been keeping the staff under strict orders to not speak a word, he thinks I have gone to re-up with my dealer but instead I have come to spill the beans.

    But here's the thing [​IMG]

    If I told everyone before the announcement ACIDKING[​IMG] would know something is up and have me back on pool cleaning duty like the good old days so I had to think of how to let some of you know... but not all of you :tef318:

    So, should I be telling you about the comp?

    Should I let you peek behind the curtain and see what the magician is preparing?

    All you have to do is send a PM HERE! and tell us your dirtiest joke or you most hidden secret, the ruder the better, the funnier the better.

    How will you know if you win... you'll know!