Külföldi torrent oldalak Acid Lounge | AL News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. április 25..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Hi Gang

    Donations been done for a few months now, if you feel you can help with the bills see below
    Donations will get you the following amounts:

    Acid VIP Status 3 weeks + 5GB Upload Credit + 5GB Free Leech Credit - 5 pounds
    Acid VIP Status 9 weeks + 15GB Upload Credit + 15GB Free Leech Credit - 15 pounds
    Acid VIP Status 18 weeks + 30GB Upload Credit + 30GB Free Leech Credit - 30 pounds
    Acid VIP Status 36 weeks + 60GB Upload Credit + 60GB Free Leech Credit - 60 pounds
    Acid VIP Status 52 weeks + 85GB Upload Credit + 85GB Free Leech Credit - 85 pounds

    What ever you donate in pounds you get in gigs and free leech credits

    Check donation page for full details see link below

    Toppng up members invites everyone should have least 2 so go invite some peeps here they might like the place. [​IMG]

    Any new members on site or you want a bit refresher what we have check the link below
    Forum Topic > F.A.O New Users, ACiD Explained! (S)

    Server: irc.acid-lounge.org.uk
    Channel: #acid-lounge

    Thankyou for your time