Külföldi torrent oldalak The Pirate Society | TPS News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 25..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    A Sample of TPS "DarkNet" Sites [Parody] [Humor]

    TPS is proud to announce our very own secret .onion links for use when using the Tor browser. For our most trusted members, we will pass on some links that members might find useful, and clearly we want and offer complete anonymity for those who get hold of and use such links. But just to give you a taste of what's out there in the deep dark DeepWeb/Darknet, here's a sample: (and this just scratches the surface! [​IMG] )

    Pharmaceuticals, Cheap
    Did you guys know that pharmaceutical representatives from the Big Pharma companies drop of loads of free samples of brand-name drugs to physicians' offices, and often times these samples expire and go to waste, BUT... a group of enterprising people have teamed up to gather all those samples, store them in a secure location, and offer them to YOU, at greatly discounted prices (we accept Bitcoin only). We've got all sorts of good stuff, from Viagra to Cialis to all the popular brand names that the Pharma companies sample. Note selection may vary depending on what we get.

    Transplantation Services
    There's a super-secret place somewhere in the world, where comatose people are kept in suspended animation, and if there's a need for someone who needs a transplant and wants to "jump the line," we have those organs for you... for the right price! (We take Bitcoins only) Now before you think this is fake, note we have a group of transplant surgeons and teams who are in on this, and know how to "fudge" the paperwork at their medical centers to make it all look legit. We even have connections at local OPA (Organ Procurement Agencies) to make it all look legit. The only thing is, we don't provide transportation and cannot tell you exactly where you are going to go for your transplant. It could be anywhere in the world, depending upon availability.

    Secret Medical Research
    And you thought Dr. Frankenstein and Dr. Jeckyll did crazy medical experiments? We've got the scoop on some "Mad Scientists" who were willing to talk about some cutting-edge (but too controversial to ever get approved by any IRB (Institutional Review Board) ) experiments they do, but it's way outside of any University or legitimate research institute. These experiments are funded privately by wealthy people, and are done in secret labs, sometimes right next door to legitimate research centers to not attract undo attention. Here's some of the stuff we're working on:

    1) Human Cloning - Scientists have sequenced the entire human genome of one our our benefactors, and are working on creating an artificial nucleus, inserting it into stem cells, and creating a human clone!
    2) Artificial Organs - Again using stem cells, and tinkering with the genes within, scientists are able to create human tissues from stem cells, and are on the way to creating whole organs which can be used for transplantation!
    3) Real genetic engineering - Still in the animal testing stage, scientists can tinker with the genetic makeup of an animal at the embryonic stage, and "engineer" the animal to become one that is designed. It will be only a short time before this research is done on human embryos.

    OH, One Last Warning,

    If you want to go to the TPS DarkNet links looking for something that would get the stamp of approval by this guy:

    Don't bother. You will find nothing of the sort. Go somewhere else for your sick perverted sexual desires. (like jail)