Külföldi torrent oldalak IPTorrents | IPT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. július 28..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: IPTorrents

    2011-07-19 - New
    As many of you know our Requests system was unusable due to bugs that had to be fixed. We are happy to announce that a new and improved system has been implemented today. The new system has new features that were not available before.

    Steps to make a request:

    1. Choose the type of torrent you are requesting.
    2. Enter in the name of the request and Submit.
    3. If a torrent on the site has the same words you searched it will show up in a list. If not, skip this step.
    4. Enter in the name of what you want uploaded along with a link to more information about the item and include a description if necessary.
    5. Choose the type of torrent and then enter in the amount of bonus points you want to use on the torrent. You can use 5 points (minimum) up to 500 (maximum) on a request.
    6. Click save to submit the request and wait for someone to fill the request.

    Voting on a request will not deduct any points from your account so there is no need to make duplicate requests. If you did vote on a request you will get a pm when the request is filled. You can also make comments on requests that have been made.

    Uploader note:

    If a user puts 100 points on a request and you fill the request you will get the 100 points they put on the request.

    We hope you enjoy our new and improved requests system. If you have any other questions about the new requests system send a message to the Help Desk.