Külföldi torrent oldalak RevolutionTT | RevTT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. június 30..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest


    RevolutionTT summer 2012 contests

    To celebrate the AWESOME RevolutionTT summer we will be running five different competitions from 1st july until 31st August. Each contest will have 3 winners, so there's a grand total of 15 prizes! You can enter one contest or all five. The only thing we require is that you only enter each contest once. To discuss the entries use the Summer 2012 Contests Discussion Thread.

    For EACH of the five competitions the prize plan is as following:


    First Place: Love You Long Time LARGE. For 30 days your downloads will not be counted and you will get 2x the upload credits for anything you seed.
    Second Place: Love You Long Time MEDIUM. For 30 days your downloads will not be counted and you will get normal upload credit for anything you seed.
    Third Place: Love You Long Time SMALL. For 30 days your downloads will not be counted nor will your uploads. This means your ratio will be frozen.

    note: If you win two prizes, you get two months, three prizes is three months.

    The five competitions

    The RevoTTing competion: "RevoTTing" is a bit like owling and planking. Simply hold a RevoTT sign in the oddest and or most unlikely place. Post your picture by clicking on the competition banner.

    Feeling romantic? Depressed? Happy? Sad? Participate in the Scenic photo competition. Go out there and make the best scenic photograph you can. No need to hold the big revtt logo, but make sure you can proof it was you that took the picture.

    Feeling creative, maybe you work at a construction company. For the Sticks and Stones competition you need to create the word "REVOLUTIONTT" out of random materials. If you wanna use bricks that fine, if you want to use live girls also.

    Is your camping setup in a tree? Is it part of the tree? Is it in the side of a hill? Or is it just a hole in the ground? Well we want to see it! Make a photo of it and post it in the Camping setup competition thread.. Make sure to include the RevoTT sign.

    We are HUNGRY. We want to see your best cookout or picnic pictures. We know some of you post everything you eat on Facebook. This really isn't that different. Only difference is you will need to include the RevoTT sign. Post your food porn in the picnic cookout competition thread.