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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. május 23..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Hardware upgrade , 3 gold cups to take
    We have just upgraded the hardware of PT-s infrastructure what enlarged this month-s operating costs. Therefor we kindly ask you for more frequent donations in coming days. Please remember that PT exists only thanks to your help. For all donators we would like to guarantee not only continuation of site-s existence but also some extra things. Every person who donates in next 5 days will be allowed to take part in the lottery of gold cup (no charge of download; the rest of privileges almost like in VIP class - no control of hit&run and unlimited invitations)

    Lottery rules:
    3 cups to win.
    All donators will be listed by donations value from highest to lowest.
    Lottery starts on 28 May, 18:00h CET.

    1st round: all participants, no matter how big donation is, will have chance to win gold cup for 3 months.
    2nd round: first half of the list will have chance (so it is the 2nd chance) to win gold cup for 12 months.
    3rd round: first 10% of the list will have chance (so it is now the 3rd chance) to win gold cup FOR EVER.

    We would also like to inform you that the latest version of already tested BitTorrent clients will be unlocked in next few days.

    Thank you in advance and best regards!
    PT Team.