Külföldi torrent oldalak CHDbits | CHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 24..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    In order to be able to better enjoy the general membership 720P domestic television resources, the management decided that now recruiting for all HD enthusiasts CHDTV suppression personnel. Recruitment requirements:
    One, 18 years of age, have full civil capacity (if still studying the meantime, please consider carefully!).
    Second, CHDTV making heartfelt love, have a fixed and relatively well-off spare time, responsible and able to obey task allocation, we reject heat for three minutes!
    Third, have 10M or more broadband network conditions.
    First, we do not trade for profit, all the work are based on personal hobbies and interests, no any money in return!
    Two, CHDTV suppression staffing levels promoted uploader!
    Third, other relevant data benefits!
    Member candidates please submit the following email content without uploading text attachments
    A fixed time online:
    Second, the personal circumstances:
    1, age:
    2, network conditions:
    3, Contact (QQ):
    4, E-mail:
    5, PT Username:
    Three, CHDTV suppression personnel please briefly introduce their video suppression technology.
    If you meet our requirements, we will contact you shortly.

    Contact QQ: 25654817 E-mail:
    25654817@qq.com or PM: mybaby502
    Groups ===== ==== CHDTV repression