Külföldi torrent oldalak MySpleen | MS News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Vendég hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. október 16..

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    2014. augusztus 31.
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    In case anyone here is interested and able to bid on this, there's a lot of 94, very spleeny, VHS tapes up for auction on eBay. There's 3 days left and it's at $35 right now plus $25 shipping. It's coming from Allison Park, Pennsylvania so, if someone lives near there, they may be able to save that by picking them up. I don't know for sure though. You'd have to ask the seller. Also, there is a topic for this in the forums here: http://www.myspleen.org/forums/viewt...hp?f=1&t=18116. If anyone here starts bidding on it, it may be a good idea to post there about it in order to keep others from bidding it up higher.
    "CNF1" wrote:

    LOTS of tapes and VERY rare stuff that needs preserving! (If anyone wins these I'd like to request those Sailor Moon tapes to be digitalized).

    But yeah, please someone here grab these!
    "eBay Seller" wrote:
    A whole bunch of different stuff here. A healthy mixture of TV from the 80s and 90s, movies, cartoons, anime and more!

    Cnet (when It was just a news magazine on USA Network at 2 in the morning), buffy, angel, MASK, talk soup, silverhawks, thundercats, Felix the cat, mamas family, old simpsons, power rangers, sailor moon, dragon ball z, superman, batman, ronin warriors, evangelion, x-men 1992 cartoon, viper, sliders, seinfeld, Hercules, detective Conan, 16-bit video game recordings, like sonic the hedgehog cd, mario paint, tiny toons cartoon workshop, and more! AND TONS of old commercials!