Külföldi torrent oldalak TranceTraffic | TT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. október 30..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Hello users of TranceTraffic!

    We are in the process of expanding the site and upgrading our hardware. We are looking for people who want to contribute and want to snag some nice rewards in return!

    We're asking for assistance from those of you that can afford to help.

    Any donations made starting today until the end of November, will give you the below rewards:

    $50 VIP Donation:
    - 6 Months VIP access (this is 2 FREE MONTHS compared to regular $50 donation)
    - 6 Invites (this is 2 FREE INVITES compared to our regular $50 donation)
    - All 6 invites are given to your account within 2-3 days.

    $100 VIP Donation: *NEW*
    - ONE FULL YEAR of VIP access
    - 14 Invites (more than twice the $50 donation)
    - All 14 invites are given to your account within 2-3 days.

    Other Perks of being VIP:
    - Unlimited leeching. No limits of any kind.
    - YOUR UPLOAD RATIO STILL INCREASES FOR ANYTHING YOU SEED. Your download however, is frozen.
    - Upon cancellation of your VIP, your ratio will be reset to 1:1 if it is below this. If you have actually seeded enough to go past the 1:1 ratio, it will not be touched, and you will leave VIP with this positive ratio.
    - Your account will not be banned. You can remain inactive for as long as you have an active VIP status.
    - You can request a name change.

    Want to help and make a donation?!

    Just click on the PAYPAL DONATE button and enter your desired amount! ($50 or $100).


    ** P.S.: Please remember to send us a message after you make a donation and let him know the transaction number and your paypal email address so we can credit your account.

    ** Please allow 2-3 days for your account to be updated. If you make a donation, you can start leeching right away, you don't have to wait until your account is updated, we will eventually get to it in time.