Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 05..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Update on the new management

    There has been much debate on PTP along with other websites' forums as to why I am not revealing my identity. Some are speculating that I am pham or spektormax, others have speculated that I am ashamed of my previous username. Neither of these speculations have any merit. The secrecy is for my own protection -- that is all. The fact is my other identity is too easily connected to my actual name. I wish it wasn't the case, but it is. Before criticizing me any further for not revealing my nick, please consider how many sysops/admins of other 19k+ user torrent sites that you know their true identity. I can't think of any and I think you'd all have trouble thinking of them as well.

    Concerning the future of this great site, I am pleased to announce the addition of two new staff members. Both have been actively contributing members of PTP for over a year, and both are well-versed in the community.

    Voorhees: Will be joining NolimitZ as a Director. Voorhees has experience as an Administrator and Moderator of a variety of private trackers.

    J: Will be joining Remy as a Developer. J has experience with the gazelle code base, and extensive experience with php, mysql, and javascript.

    In addition to these new staff members, I am excited to announce the promotion of our 5 Torrent Specialists to Assistant Director. We (as staff) have decided to do away with the Torrent Specialist position as we feel it is unnecessary. Given that Elites and above already have the ability to edit all torrents and we already count on you guys to assist us with the moderation duties (and this is where we plan to find any new staff members...) we thought we would take it one step further and give our Torrent Specialist's the privileges required to help out the class above them.

    The additional Assistant Directors will help us deal with the large number of users who have problems with their accounts and should be extremely helpful in lowering Staff response time to any and all issues.

    Lastly, I want to assure you all that staff is hard at work looking into methods for donations and long-term sustainability of PTP. We thank you for your suggestions, and we are considering all options. Be assured that we will not rest until we find the perfect solution for the long-term success of this tracker.

    Discuss this and the previous news post here!