Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 05..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Freeleech, New Contests, Promotions & New Staff! -

    John Lennon died 30 years ago today. In honor of his significant contributions to multiple forms of art, we have freeleeched his works for 24 hours. May he rest in peace.
    This month's contest theme is Winter. To help everyone get into the action, and into the spirit of the season we have come up new "Winter" tag that can be applied to movies that fit certain criteria. Movies can be from all genres and all scope of film, so everyone one us, whether our favorites movies are Action or Comedy, Horror or Drama, can get something out of, and give something to, the contest. The top two prizes are over 1 million bonus points, and prizes are given out for the top 10 uploaders of the month (as well as several other bonuses!) The automatically updated leaderboard can be viewed here, thanks to Remy! We are shooting high this month, new uploads will be freeleeched for 24 hours once we reach 1000 uploads.
    A site full of film lover's should have some interesting favorite movies.

    Esophagus is offering 2000 points to each person who posts their top 10 films in his thread.

    Once enough people do we can make it an official collection! Easy points and an interesting experiment.

    Several of our staff have been promoted, so let's take some time to thank them for all the hard work they've done.

    Voorhees has been promoted to Sysop.
    esophagus and vlatkost have both been promoted to Director.
    312c and hyperion have been moved to Developer.
    Halfang has been moved to Assistant Director. (Torrent Specialist and Forum Moderator positions will no longer exist.)

    And we have three new staff members as Assistant Directors!
    Welcome Shishy, unclesalty, and z0diac!

    Welcome and thank them all here!