Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. április 01..

  1. Guest / Guest

    Re: PassThePopcorn

    The site will be taken offline tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon in order to perform a data center switch. We expect to be back up by the end of the day, although it may take some time for the DNS to propagate.

    You can follow us on @ptpnews for updates.

    EDIT: We're online again, but the site will remain HTTP only for the next 12 - 24 hours. You may choose to add the certificate exception for TLS, but you will be redirected to the downtime page until the issue is resolved (hopefully within the next 24 hours). Also, be sure to check out the new search changes Machenic dished out during the downtime.