Külföldi torrent oldalak FunFile | FF News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. május 29..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Dear FunFile Users,

    Please be advised that we are aware of some issues with the ISP/frontend serving Oceanians/Australians/Kiwis/Other upside-downers/some Asians and that oddball in Antarctica. Rest assured, we are working diligently on a fix within the capacity of the yoghurt dipped treats being thrown to us.

    For those with issues that stemmed from reverting to an earlier version of uTorrent due to 3.X's issues, please try stopping all torrents, closing uTorrent and restarting it all back again. Ensure you have uTorrent correctly configured and wouldn't hurt to ensure SSL is installed and enabled. Also, DISABLE useless applications like Peerblock/Peerguardian etc.

    If you still experience issues and would like to help us rectify the issue as a guinea-pig & have no objection to being poked and prodded extensively, feel free to join us in the #Help channel on IRC. Any anti-socials are most welcome to leave a Staffbox message instead.

    We will advise further as soon as the issues are rectified. For the lucky rest of you unaffected, keep on enjoying. smile1.gif