Külföldi torrent oldalak PirateTheNet | PTN News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. december 31..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    Re: PirateTheNet


    From partial recovery of global economy to liberation of Egypt and then Liberia..to the removal of Osama from the face of the earth to subtle changes in everyone's lives.. 2011 has been an important year for everyone. Its been the same, here at PtN, as well.. and I daresay, all the subtle changes have been in the best interest of the site and everyone associated with it.

    Due to tireless efforts of the entire staff team, the perseverance and dedication of our uploaders, and the invaluable economic support extended by our patrons/regular donors, PtN has seen yet another eventful year of being a successful movie tracker. We'd like to thank the donors, again, for voluntarily pitching in towards covering our monthly server costs. Without the support of our donors, we wouldn't be here at all. Its nothing but simple and obvious truth.

    We hope for your continued support as we unveil some significant updates and upgrades over the next couple of months.

    Speaking of updates and upgrades, Our talented developers have been working really hard on a new source for PtN.
    Thanks to their tireless efforts and hard work, we are getting close to completing and rolling out the biggest iteration since PtN's inception in the form of PtN V3.0. It will be accompanied by a host of new usable features and an even more streamlined UI, making PtN, along with all its bells and whistles, even simpler to use.
    In short, you'll see PtN kicking some serious ass

    We hope the year '2011' was good to you, and that the year '2012' proves to be even better year to all of you. On behalf of the entire staff team, I wish you guys a very happy and prosperous new year.

    To welcome the new year, and kick start the celebration of the good times that lie ahead, we've decided to enable 5x Gold and Upload Raidfor another week.


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