Külföldi torrent oldalak PirateTheNet | PTN News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2010. november 30..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: PirateTheNet

    2010-11-29 - News -
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    This time we have some good news and bad news

    Bad news is that a month ago we announced that we will start to disable inactive accounts, we are sorry to inform you that the time has come and starting on 01.12.2010 we will start to disable inactive accounts.
    # "Lose It In roughly 4 weeks time we will be taking a close look at each members account, especially looking at our junior members accounts. But, before we get round to your account, this is your chance to use it or lose it. I can confirm that the following will soon be implemented: If you (swabbies) have never downloaded anything, 0 data, then after 1 month here you will be disabled.
    # If you (swabbies only) have not downloaded anything for any single month here after your last download you will be disabled.
    # If you (not VIP+) do not log in for 6 weeks - then you will be disabled (can always be restored by contact with staff)
    # If you (Deckhand+) have not downloaded for 12 months, and not seeding - then you will be disabled (can always be restored by contact with staff) The best way to keep your account alive here is to use it and get yourself promoted. If I was you I would take a note of the irc & support email right now, forewarned is forearmed."

    Good news is that starting with 2010.12.01 we have some competitions. First competition starts on 2010.12.01. Prepare your HDD and make some space because you will need as much as possible.

    We have many things here, maybe you know some of them but to keep you updated Did you know that ...