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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. január 01..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Check out our new competition, it just started:


    Hello everyone and Happy coming 2013. [​IMG]

    Our next goal is to fill our movie database with the all of the IMDB Top 250 movies, the list is here:



    DVDRrip/BDRip upload = 2 points
    720p movie = 4 points
    1080p movie = 6 points

    *But, that's not all. We have also decided to add in a perma-seeding bonus for those who like to seed like it's their job.
    For the first interval, you will receive a 1.25x points bonus on your upload. Perma-seed interval 2 will receive 2x points bonus.
    Perma-seed interval 3 will receive 3x points bonus.
    Ex. If you perma-seed interval 3 on a 720p movie, you will receive 9 points (3 points for the movie upload x 4 (for the perma-seed interval bonus)).*

    We are trying to improve our movie database, so our goal is to get as much as possible movies BUT they should stay seeded for a long time, it's not a point to upload 300 movies and after the competition ends just let them die, or delete them from your PC/seedbox, try to upload some movies and seed them as long as possible, better less movies but seeded for a long time (forever [​IMG] ) then 500 movies just for the comp and then let them die, there is no point.

    As there are not as much movies as for some other competitions, be very carefull with our *Trumping & Dumping Rules* (check uploading rules https://cosanostra.me/rules.php )


    1. 1 Million cash 3 invites + class promotion (you will be promoted one class higher then you are at that moment, if you are already at the highest user class then you obviously won't be promoted further)

    2. 750k cash and 2 invites

    3. 500k cash and 1 invite

    Competition will end at 20.1.2013. [​IMG]

    Good luck. [​IMG]

    // Let this thread clean for participants and discuss here --> https://cosanostra.me/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=4820
    //CN Staff. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]