Külföldi torrent oldalak Pedro's BTMusic / xbtmusic | Pedro News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. május 18..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Due to tremendous interest we just closed the open signup early at 2000 new pre-registrations. This is quite exciting. Now we are starting the review process which with this number of people will surely last a few weeks and we intend to be assertive.

    If we gain 250-300 new users this way we will be more than satisfied and that's been the idea. We will let you know how this went. It is already interesting to see a lot of people from places which were very rare so far, e.g. Andorra, Iceland, Jersey (yes, the island) or a few of the pacific states (Tonga, Fiji). Surely looking forward to accept some users from out there. And of course the next open signup is scheduled for 2024, so stay tuned.

    Oh, and yes. Brazil and Hungary made the Site blacklist and adding Spain is still being considered. Congratulations! You guys with your nonsense truly top anybody else!