Külföldi torrent oldalak Cinematik | TIK News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. május 21..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: Cinematik

    A new milestone is here!
    Yes! Yes! A new milestone! We are SOOOOOO excited!

    Calm down, calm down, try to find the right words to announce it!

    Starting today every actor, director, editor... (and I'm talking of 350,000 names) has got his/her personal page. This allow you to have access to just one page where you will find all movies directed by, starred by, written by the guy/doll you are looking for. You'll soon discover a brand new Cinematik-way of browsing gems!

    Some examples:

    Jean-Piere Melville: http://cinematik.net/names.php?nid=0578483
    Fritz Lang: http://cinematik.net/names.php?nid=0000485
    Orson Welles: http://cinematik.net/names.php?nid=0000080
    Mary Shelley: http://cinematik.net/names.php?nid=0791217
    Nino Rota: http://cinematik.net/names.php?nid=0000065
    Jack Cardiff: http://cinematik.net/names.php?nid=0002153
    .... and so on!

    There's a (quite) official thread where you can suggest/hurrah here: http://cinematik.net/forums.php?action= ... =last#last

    BTW names are currently available only from the IMDB box you'll find in the torrent description page. But during next days you'll be able to use the Advances Search Tool! Yes