Külföldi torrent oldalak TwilightZoom | TZ News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Anime hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. december 21..

  1. Anime /

    2013. augusztus 20.
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    Twilights.org : News
    Sorry but Twilight updates explained

    As you were emailed earlier today we are invite only now.All of the invites were switched to 3 for each user.

    We also now have a signed ssl certificate .You may now stay on secure for sign ins browsing and downloading its all https if you wish.You can choose this option when you log in or you may go to your profile in security and choose your secure options hereTwilights :: Login.

    The issue with the shoutbox and also when you exchange your bonus points has all been taken care of in ssl mode.We have also tested downloading and uploading ssl and you are fine.

    We have really been growing as far as torrents.

    We now will be topping 30,000 in a day or two.Also most of the torrents are located on 250mb to 1 gig connections.

    We have striven to make all of you safe and secure in all we do.We were not trying to be the big bad tracker .We just wanted to be a small safe community with the torrents of the big bad trackers rofl.With out the hit and run crap and give all users a chance to share.

    Remember all torrents are running free until Dec 31st 12pm

    As always we appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for being a part of Twilight.

    Also if you do not wish to receive these emails just disable you mass mail here Twilights :: Login

    We are now invite only but our other sites are still open for now

    http://www.p2pelite.com ebooks

    http://www.twilightzoom.org or http://www.twilightazoom.org music

    http://www.twilightsporn.com naughty stuff