Külföldi torrent oldalak Pedro's BTMusic / xbtmusic | Pedro News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Anime hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. december 23..

  1. Anime /

    2013. augusztus 20.
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    Pedro News.
    Guys, several months ago we organized a small fund collection to finance our new hardware. You answered our call with tremendous generosity and excitement and we collected over 3200 EUR from over 70 donors. We have not spent these funds yet. We've been working on the new site since then and we intend to buy the hardware at the very end. This moment is slowly coming and we intend to make the purchase at the end of January or the beginning of February taking advantage of the most reasonable prices. This also means we are (very) slowly approaching the long awaited open beta period having an entirely newly coded site running on brand new servers. We intend to be ready with everything, including the beta period, before our 11th birthday in May.

    For another month we will hence accept extra donations for the hardware. We've already collected a lot, but if any of you want to support us even further, you are very much welcome to do so. We can already afford good professional server hardware, yet of course every single Euro counts (e.g. an extra 80 EUR willyield an extra 8GB of RDIMM ram, or 150 EUR another truly industrial Intel SSD).

    The minimum donation is 20 EUR. If you donate you will be added to the donors list contributing to the new hardware and we will also put your nickname on the main production's server chassis with a golden permanent marker . Both pictures of the hardware and the list will be featured on the new site. If you donate please make it clear that the donation is for XNHP. Every XNHP donation over 50 EUR will be awarded x2 regularbuffer bonus, and x3 over for 100 EUR. The new site, both in terms of its code and hardware, and their finely tuned performance and its (and hence yours) security will be truly something else... something which has not been done in the bittorrent world as yet.

    The XNHP forum thread can be found here.

    Thanks for your support! We've built this place together and it will be forever.