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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' UTS System hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. január 23..

  1. UTS System /

    2014. január 16.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    It seems that hardly a day goes by on the IRC help channel without someone popping in to get their email or password reset because their account got hijacked. Is the site under attack by some sophisticated network of hackers who use cutting edge decryption tools to get into user accounts? Nope.

    It's the result of people having passwords that are ridiculously easy to guess. Stuff like "password" or "123456789." It's no trouble at all for hijackers punch that in, change the default email to the account and lock you out. So, if you are one of the hundreds (yes, HUNDREDS) of users in this situation who haven't yet been stung, change your password to something harder NOW. Combinations including numbers and symbols are always best, but anything that isn't blatantly obvious is an improvement. Make it the name of the town you grew up in. The name of your favorite pet. The name of the street where you pick your cheap hookers up at. ANYTHING.