Külföldi torrent oldalak Pedro's BTMusic / xbtmusic | Pedro News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. február 26..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Dear users,

    A policy refresh for 2015. It will go live next week.

    • Hungary is removed from the blacklist. Hungarians are now welcome to register (if invited)
    • Romania is unbanned and removed from the blacklist. Romanians are now welcome to register (if invited).
    • Russia is now blacklisted. We will not accept any new registrations from there.

    • Uploader Lite bottom ratio limit is lowered to 0.50. If you've got ratio troubles, consider uploading.
    • Uploader Lite uploading requirement is now 1 torrent / 4 weeks.
    • Uploader and Uploader Elite uploading requirement is now 1 torrent / 10 weeks.
    • VIP class is renamed to Uploader VIP (promoted at staff discretion). UV has no ratio and receives 2 invites/month. Uploading req. is 1 torrent / 10 weeks.
    • Hardware Founder and Site Friend user classes are introduced (+/- at the old VIP level). HF has no ratio and receives 1 inv/month. SF has no ratio, no uploading req., and receives no invites. Promotions for both classes are at staff's discretion.

    Current VIPs will be re-assigned to one of the new VIP-level classes or become Uploader Elites. Expect also some new Uploader VIP promotions from among Uploaders Elite.

    That's it for now. There will be another new user class, Elite User, with promotion conditions based on long term seeding. It will enjoy access to invites and no ratio. This class will not be introduced until the new site is online. Senior User class may also be reconsidered a bit as well (hint: seed your downloads!).

    Important: User and Senior User classes will have their invitations zeroed sometime next week. If you've got any spare invites left it hence may be a good idea to redeem them right away. You still have a few days left to do so.
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  2. Vendég /

    2014. augusztus 31.
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    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Köszi a hírt dred!