Külföldi torrent oldalak Bitsoup | BSP News

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. március 06..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    The day has come!

    Nov 2004 Bitsoup became real. Dec 2004 Bitsoup opened its doors for the first time. That was over 10yrs ago. When we first started I never expected Bitsoup would be here in 2015. We were the first private torrent site to offer a credit donation system. in 2005 members donated $10/$20 and as a reward for supporting the site got maybe 100mb of ratio added.

    Then as time went by into 2006 other torrent sites started popping up on the net. We always knew Bitsoup was one of a kind. It still is today. What has changed is content sizes have gotten quite large to DL thus needing more BW. Seeding boxes/ Faster ISP allowed members to seed more and download more. Bitsoup grew to be quite a large site.

    I have been reading and remembering how Bitsoup was born and where it stands today. Some have asked why we are having such money issues. The answer to that is quite simple. People do not donate to the site without expecting to be rewarded in more and more credit. While we can always offer more credit the drawback to such is if you have insane ratio why donate again. The true reasons for donating to Bitsoup are far gone and its become all about greed.

    Bitsoup is lucky on some ways. We have a really great staff that help keep things going. We have a small donor group that support us with what ever they can afford every month for no other reason but to say thank you for everything Bitsoup does for them. I don't want the format of Bitsoup to change. I hate locking down services to those who donate and denying others the same rewards of a great site.

    How can I change the issue Bitsoup has?

    No matter what I say or do its been proven most wont donate. Do I shut-down the site in whole? No I cant do this as the members who do support the site don't deserve to be kicked to curb. Many say "but but but I may not donate but I do seed quite a bit". This is true, those who support the cause in many ways other than sending funds to the site should not be kicked to the curb either. Now others will say they support the site to or maybe as I've seen as of late Bitsoup can go fuck itself I will never donate.

    I really don't want to go through 2015 having to beg and have fear every month will we cover our bills. We are also not going to make any lock down changes. No matter what we say nothing ever changes.

    So after a very long debate this is what's going to happen starting today. The donor bar on the main page is going out to the trash. We knew it would never help even though so many said "oh oh if you at least show us a bar we will donate". That was a lie as our donation % has not increased any from time we loaded it.

    While the staff want to keep the doors locked we can no longer expect our small donor group to keep paying for everyone else. If we see donations are dropping off we will consider opening the doors to the public again as we did from 2005 until 2012 to increase our member count and bring in new blood. This is something I don't want to do but its that or run ads which will never happen.

    So its up to you the member to decide how and where Bitsoup goes moving forward.

    If we do have major funding issues we will not beg for funds. You will get a Message every day saying we are about to be knocked offline and if we are so be it. This doesn't mean we are at risk now and you will have plenty of daily warnings before we are.

    Please take part in our Quarterly Fundraiser this month. We will run it every 3 months. It has a great formula included and what we feel fits comfortably in everyone's pocket and is more than fair for what this site provide for all of us. Should it work properly, you'll never hear anything from us the other 2 off months. We would actually stop running promos all together and just have some file sharing fun.
