Külföldi torrent oldalak HDSky | HDS News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. március 16..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    近来可能是由于好片不断的缘故,有些会员给我们发来信息,要求对这片那片加字幕、做特效、加音轨什么的,说 素材都出了,怎么还不DIY出来,更有其它要求。
    这里我们要说明的是,我们已经很努力的在为大家服务了,但是我们每个人,包括管理组和发布员,以及其它热心 DIY的会员,平时都有自己的工作,相对也比较忙。而且,有的素材是作者不允许发布的,受到一定限制。因此 ,我们鼓励大家自己动手DIY,这并不难的,用大金,ts或其它工具都可以,特别是本站引进的BDZG,非 常棒,也很好用。这样,你不但可以轻松的满足你自己,更可以造福大家。

    Do not casually ask tablets, reminders film, best learn to DIY

    May be due to good films lately constantly's sake, some members sent a message to us asking for this piece of piece of captioning, do special effects, add audio tracks or something, to say the material is out, how not DIY out more other requirements.
    Here we have to note is that we have worked hard for all services, but each of us, including the management group and publisher, as well as members of other enthusiastic DIY, usually have their own work, also relatively busy. Moreover, some of the material is not allowed to release, subject to certain restrictions. Therefore, we encourage you to do it yourself DIY, this is not difficult, with the Daikin, ts, or other tools are available, especially in the introduction of this site BDZG, great, but also very easy to use. In this way, you not only can easily meet yourself, but also for the benefit of everyone.
    Thank you!