Külföldi torrent oldalak FileList | FL News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. június 07..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Vreau sa multumesc tuturor pentru rabdarea de care ati dat dovada alaturi de noi, totul merge impecabil acum. Speram sa nu mai fie probleme dar cum nimic nu e sigur pe lumea asta... nu as vrea sa promitem ceva si apoi sa nu fie asa.

    Nu stiu cati stiti dar de cateva saptamani am schimbat serverul si asta nou isi cam ia aripi uneori... e foarte puternic si ne ajuta enorm pentru numarul de useri pe care il avem dar mai trebuie strans un surub uneori, mai curatat cate ceva etc. Ce vreau sa spun e ca lucram mereu sa-l optimizam si sa va oferim cea mai buna experienta posibila pe site. Fara lag, fara blocari, intreruperi etc.
    Daca uneori avem de asteptat si dureaza, inseamna ca nu tine de noi problema respectiva. Orice tine de noi se rezolva in maxim 30-60 de minute. Maxim.

    In alta ordine de idei, poate ati vazut ca am infrumusetat un pic pagina home. Stim ca majoritatea intrati direct pe pagina de torrente deci mai aruncati un ochi si pe home din cand in cand, mai ales ca acum avem si sondaj de opinie.

    Ca sa nu va spamam prea tare cu mesaje enervante ci sa va lasam sa va luati torrentul favorit cat mai repede, nu vom anunta cand exista un poll nou (vom anunta doar cand exista o stire noua, ca aceasta), dar uneori il vom folosi ca sa aflam ce anume si-ar dori comunitatea. Deci verificati pagina home din cand in cand, mai ales daca vreti ca parerea dvs sa fie vazuta si auzita.
    Mereu a contat parerea voastra dar pentru ca sunteti asa de multi din pacate uneori nu va puteam auzi pe toti. Acum am rezolvat si problema asta.

    Ca de fiecare data, pentru pareri si sugestii aveti topicul care va fi afisat mai jos. Puteti sa ne spuneti daca va place ce am facut sau daca nu va place ce-a iesit (ce anume nu va place?), ce ati vrea sa mai vedeti pe pagina home, ce alte informatii etc.

    Va multumim tuturor ca sunteti alaturi de noi ! Impreuna formam si dam culoare acestui site minunat.

    I want to thank everyone for the patience you have shown with us, everything works flawlessly now. We hope not to be problems but nothing is certain in this world ... I do not want to promise something and then not be.

    I do not know how many know but a few weeks back that changed server and its wings about him sometimes ... it's very strong and helps us enormously to the number of users that we have but sometimes need a screw tight, something cleaner etc. . What I say is always working to optimize it and to offer the best experience possible on site. No lag, without downtime, interruptions etc.
    If sometimes we expected and lasts up to us means no problem. Whatever you resolve new maximum 30-60 minutes. Maxim.

    In other news, you might have seen that I embellished a little home page. We know that most directly fill torrents page so throw an eye on the home from time to time, especially now we have poll.

    Not to be annoying spam messages too hard but to let them take your favorite torrent sooner, we will not know when there is a new poll (we will announce only when there is a new news like this), but sometimes we'll use to find out what the community would like. So check the homepage from time to time, especially if you want your opinion to be seen and heard.
    Always your opinion mattered but because so many unfortunately are sometimes not everyone could hear. Now that I have solved the problem.

    As always, the opinions and suggestions you have that topic will be displayed below. Can you tell us if you like what I did or if you do not like what came out (what you do not like?), You have wants to see the home page, what other information etc.

    Thank you for all that you are with us! Together we form and color give this wonderful site.