Külföldi torrent oldalak PornBits | PB News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' kereső hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. január 29..

  1. kereső /

    2011. február 13.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Today's changes Forum thread subscriptions were just rolled out. You can now subscribe to a thread to receive notifications when a reply is posted to it. When creating a thread, subscribing to that thread is default. Along with this change, you might notice that the thread has received a slight visual update, but it has also gotten a few bug fixes.

    In addition to that, some changes have been made to allow for multiple logins. If you allow it, you can be logged in from multiple computers/browsers without constantly getting logged out. You may still…

    11:35am 2014-1-17
    Notifications just rolled out As you've probably noticed, there's now a big, obvious notifications button at the top of your screen. So, what's it do? When you have a new notification, the button will turn bright red to let you know.

    As of right now, only comments posted on your uploaded torrents will trigger a notification. If the system works well, other triggers can be added. If you wish to disable this feature, you can do that by editing your profile.

    Have questions, comments, or coconuts? Post it in the forum!

    9:04am 2014-1-9