Külföldi torrent oldalak PornBits | PB News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' MbP hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. február 17..

  1. MbP /

    2012. május 14.
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    Auto-banning by ratio

    Coming up at some undisclosed point in the future, we will be enabling auto-ban by ratio. If your ratio drops too low, you risk losing your account. Now, before you get too worried, this is only going to target those people specifically leeching huge amounts and refusing to share back. These are the kind of jerks that make it hard to get older (as in, anything past about a day around here) content since they just hit and run.

    New users have nothing to worry about. Even users that have trouble sharing back to 1:1 have nothing to worry about; only those with extremely low ratios and a few other factors.

    Currently, we're setting the bar at 0.2 and there are only about 200 users on the site who stand to lose their accounts. If you have questions, comments, or complaints, post in the forum.