Külföldi torrent oldalak KrayTracker | KT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. augusztus 06..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: Kraytracker


    In recent weeks, we've seen an upswing in activity and uploading on Kray, and it's a welcome change that we hope keeps up well into 2011. On the administrative side of Kray, we've seen a bit of a change too. With Devin increasingly pre-occupied with things outside of the site, he's decided to step down as a Developer and he has also graciously ceded ownership of the site. The reins of this beast now rest in the capable hands of Kev (Mr. Baptist, to some of you), and this change represents a unified effort on the part of staff as a whole to take a bigger ownership in the way things are being run around here.

    What does this mean for you, the user? Nothing in particular with regard to the daily use of this site. No sweeping changes are headed your way, and Kray will continue to operate as it always has. What we as staff DO look forward to is a quicker implementation of fixes and optimizations with a site that now fully rests in the hands of those who frequent the site regularly.

    On the subject of fixes, we'd also like to officially welcome Dandi aboard as our new Developer. He'll be helping out with bugs and issues around here while Paul999's efforts are focused elsewhere for the time being. Be sure to congratulate him with a fascist joke or two!

    Thanks are of course owed to Devin as well. Without him, this site would not exist, and it's with his tireless contributions that we've been able to bring Kray along this far.

    Stay tuned for good things! kraylove