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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. január 23..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Staff AOTY picks!

    In other news, the Staff and FLS have picked their favorite albums of the year. All of these releases will be free-leech until the next news post is made, so get them all quickly (and upload the missing formats if you've got 'em)!

    Here we go:

    luis's pick

    The Menzingers - On the Impossible Past
    Yes, this album deserves all the praise. At least I believe so.
    I don’t doubt most of you have already heard this album, hopefully many times, so I don’t have to explain why the Menzingers outdid themselves once again. I will say that of the maybe hundred times I’ve heard this album over the last 10 or 11 months, not once have I ever lost interest. Personally, this album reflected my own thoughts, emotions, and experiences over the past year. Its inherent nostalgic theme is truly powerful. Even now I still catch myself speaking the lyrics of “Gates” and “Casey” and “Burn After Writing” with a vivid image of my own past. No other album really achieves this as much as this one. So, yeah, it’s well deserving of all the love.​

    imnotauser's pick

    Ffeeco Woman - Being Stubborn Will Get You Nowhere (EP)
    In October, I went to Tokyo to see some bands and this band blew me away. It's like Dillinger Four, back in their lo-fi 7" days. There are a lot of "bands" that are just a means of output for one person writing the songs, but as I watched Feeco Woman the band cohesion and the lack of a band leader really stood out to me.​

    veganjello's pick

    Godspeed You! Black Emperor - 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
    For me, 2012, especially the latter half, was an explosion of awesome post-rock. These Hands, Caspian, El Ten Eleven, Ef...the list goes on. But the real gem for me was 's return album 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! The album is typically Godspeed: dark and droning, epic soundscapes that build and fade, but bringing in a middle eastern vibe that was not present on their previous albums. The album sucks you slowly in and spits you out feeling anxious, taking you in weird directions in between. Would it be the GY!BE album I tell someone to listen to if they have never heard them before? No. But is it an amazing album? Absolutely. (And does it have fans divided? probably more than any other post-rock release this year)​

    hugeposuer's pick

    Circle Takes the Square - Decompositions: Volume Number One
    I'm banking on this being counted as a 2012 release even though the physical version has yet to be released. Up until Christmas time, I never cared for this band at all and I thought 65daysofstatic was ruining Post-Rock. This massive, massive album changed my mind forever. Not an idle moment goes by where I don't receive the urge to put this album on at full-blast. I love it so much.

    This is cheating, but listen to the new Reggie Watts album if you can.​

    fliptopsean's pick

    Mixtapes - Even On the Worst Nights
    If you asked me a year or two ago if I liked Mixtapes, I'd probably say yea, they're alright. It wasn't until the Somewhere In Trinsic EP came out including the self-titled Even On the Worst Nights that threw themselves into my everyday rotation. This album is a continuation. This album is fun, real, infectious. It may not be as emotionally deep, but it's a fun record and sometimes that's what we need. My favorite track Anyways perfectly describes how I view myself in relation to the current scene and my local scene as well. This album crushed The Menzingers in personal plays for the year and that album got a lot of love from me Menzingers. So you can't miss this album! If you were on the fence about Mixtapes, this album will make you love them.