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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 02..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Official Albums of 2012 Thread [​IMG]

    Getting to this kind of late, but at least we all have most of our lists picked out right?

    Okay so it's simple, we'll do it just like we did last year, and the results will be translated to a 2012 top albums collage on the site, and be made freeleech for a week.

    All you have to do is post your top 10 albums, order is irrelevant. After one week (next Friday will be the deadline), we will tally the votes and announce the top albums of the year in the collage. So let's get started! Join the thread here!

    Sidenote: If we don't get enough submissions in this thread, we will pull lists from the unofficial discussion thread.

    Anyway's here's my list to start it off.

    Spoiler: Show

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