Külföldi torrent oldalak KrayTracker | KT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' MbP hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. január 31..

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    2012. május 14.
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    Kropped and Kray Recommends

    Some quick news for you from Kray HQ.
    First, we have a new Kray Recommends up with cooljayhu filling our ears with some of his favorite albums. Check that out here.

    Also, we have a new Kropped competition in the works.
    Alright, here we fucking go!
    The ingredients are....
    Ginger, Sour Gummy Worms, Bananas, and Asparagus
    Final submission day is February 19, 2014.

    and to recap:
    2) You have 2 weeks to make something with the secret ingredients after they are announced. You may include any other ingredients as you wish, but you must use the secret ingredients. The final product does not need to be vegan. Write up a basic recipe and include photos of at least the finished product(uploaded to imgur).

    3) PM your write up to the host. Do not post it to the forum Spoiler: Show.. Things should be fairly secretive, as that is part of the spirit of the game.

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