Külföldi torrent oldalak Empornium.me | EMP News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. november 08..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Image Host moved

    As some of you may have noticed earlier xxx.freeimage.us went down. This was to do with moving it off the server used by Empornium to its own hosting. Im told the move is now complete.

    That said the DNS records around the Internet may take time to update. So if you get a maintenance page when trying to upload an image your DNS records are not yet updated.

    In that case please choose from another approved host on the list that can be found here Forbidden/Approved pichosts

    that and hold the no screens reports for a day or so :tef293:

    Clownius and the Empornium team
