Külföldi torrent oldalak TheAudioScene | TAS News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. december 29..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    News: 12 Days Of Archives

    For the next 12 days I've opened the archive servers up for all TAS members,
    New and old.

    Things you will need.
    FileZilla client or a download manager such as JDownloader

    Things you should know.
    This is partal stress testing of a idea I have for the future.

    Access info is bound to the ip we have with the site and is updated every hour.
    So if your ip changes you'll have to wait until the next hour for it to update.
    This is so users can't post the access information outside of tas and it be abused.

    Max 10 ips per user. That 10 connection limit per user.

    Client configuration support for non donors will not be answered by staff.
    Any tickets opened regarding how to will be closed.

    Browser Access

    Of course if you like this ability/accessibility after the 12 days you can always
    become a site donor and get the same access for the same length as your donor
    status time.