Külföldi torrent oldalak PixelHD | PxHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. április 01..

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    Re: PixelHD

    Rule Changes and Future Features


    Rule Changes

    There have been a few changes to the rules, not many, but a few. We got rid of a few rules that were useless, modified a few rules that weren't very good in our opinion, and added a new rule section. You can check them out to see what's changed, what's new, and what's been removed.


    Future Features

    Required Seeding System

    It's been a long time coming, but it's finally being pieced together. A little background on what the 'Required Seeding System' is. First off, I've never liked the term 'HnR, Hit and Run' it automatically assumes a user is guilty upfront, even if the torrent stopped seeding by mistake. A user is innocent until proven guilty So, we've named it the 'Required Seeding System'.

    How it Works

    When you start a torrent in your client, the system will start tracking that torrent, keeping track of your ratio, your active time, your seed time after the torrent has hit 100% etc. You'll have 1 Week to meet the requirements detailed in the Rules.

    If you do not meet the requirements within that week, then the system will set that torrent as a HnR.

    What about Overall Ratio?

    We will still keep it as a statistic in your profile, but once this system goes into place, we will no longer be using over all ratio as a determining factor for moderation. Only ratio that will matter at this point will be individual torrent ratio, but people with slower connections will be able to seed for 72 Hours instead of trying to reach 1:1.

    Speed Throttlers

    If you think you are going to be able to by pass this system by limiting your Upload speed, well you are wrong. We will be implementing a method for tracking average seed speed on each torrent, if you are caught throttling your upload speed, you will receive a warning. We are here to share, if you aren't willing to do so, don't download and notify a staff member that you no longer want your account.

    Invite System

    With the success of the Application System so far, we will be phasing the invite system completely out. Since we won't have an invite system, there will no longer be a need for the invite tree either. So we are going to be slowly phasing out the invite tree as well under each user, which means in the long run, everyone's account will appear as if they just registered here and was never invited.

    So no inviter will be responsible for their invitee. Each person will be responsible for their own account.

    Bonus Points

    We will be making some future modifications to the Bonus Points system once the Required Seeding system is in place. Bonus points will no longer be earned as soon as a torrent starts, they will only start being earned once the torrent has reached 100%. Also, newer seeders will not earn as many points as seeders who have been on the torrent longer. This will allow someone who has been seeding a torrent for a month, to earn bonus points exponentially better than someone who has been seeding for a day.

    This system is still being worked out as far as the mathematics go to be fair to everyone. But we are close on it.

    Requests System

    With the mentioning of Bonus Points, it's only fair to mention this change. The Requests System will be switching from Upload Credit to Bonus Points as the default currency.

    That's It For Now

    Well, that's all I got for now. I might think of something else in a bit, but that's our immediate plans. We will be adding some other things later on that we've been working on, such as some Casino modifications, changes to the Bonus Points Shop etc.