Külföldi torrent oldalak PixelHD | PxHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. április 10..

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    Re: PixelHD

    Featured Movies and Other Fun Stuff.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend chasing down magical bunnies carrying baskets of eggs, or a magical hippy that walked on water and was raised from the dead. Which ever one you did, I hope you had fun...Now on to business.

    Featured Movies

    We are similar to Apple, we aren't the first to implement this feature, but we feel we have the best implementation. As you can see to the top right, this is where the home to our 'Featured Movie' box will be for the foreseeable future. It's pretty straight forward. You have the date it was featured at the very top, with a movie poster, the movie title and year, followed by a synopsis of the movie from IMDB.

    Now, below there are going to be 2 possibilities of what you will see. One, you will see only a single link of (See More) which will take you to a poster wall of sorts that displays all previously featured movies, with feature date, poster, name, year, etc etc. Second possibility is another link where you can dive straight into the forums and discuss the featured movie.

    We are hoping this will help spur some forum activity as well as bring some focus on some of the more popular movies, or lesser known movies that might get pushed down the ranks as more and more torrents are uploaded.

    Side Note:

    This is going to be a class perk feature in the future. But currently it is visible to everyone on site. We are going to be assigning a lot of features to different classes as incentive to progress up through the class ranks, which we will post an update about in the future. Till then, enjoy all these goodies falling in your lap.