Külföldi torrent oldalak PixelHD | PxHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. május 14..

  1. Guest / Guest

    Ohai There

    It's time for a Status Update, Yay.

    Torrent Details and Dreadful Woes

    We've got a lot of new torrent details coming in with new uploads, we are still pulling info for the older torrents on site, which we will continue doing over the next few days to keep from overloading the API and what not, etc etc.

    We had a few unforeseen issues crop up but we are taking care of those slowly but surely, Poster Wall, Search, etc.

    Now For Something New...

    You'll notice a small link uptop under the 'Rules' link, and before 'Inbox' it's labeled 'Upcoming'.

    This is going to be a class restricted feature in the future, but for now everyone can see it.

    This is where Encoders can place the movies/tv shows they are encoding along with format they will be in before they are actually uploaded, so if you want to know what is coming in hot and heavy, check the lists there.

    Hopefully it'll ease posts in the forums asking where this or that movie is and give everyone a bit of a time frame or knowledge of what is coming so they can be giddy with excitement.

    Other Things

    As always, we have lots of things planned, so keep the donations coming as we need them to stay around to keep these features coming, the more we get, the more we do. We've got some rather large features in the pipeline coming as well as a boat load of refinements to existing features.

    If you'd like to see something on site that you haven't yet, or you think is a good idea, don't be afraid to make a post in the Suggestion/Feedback forum. The worst that can happen is you get banned.