Külföldi torrent oldalak PixelHD | PxHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. május 18..

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    RSS Feeds / Poster Wall/ Donations in Reverse Order.


    We aren't getting no where near the donations we need for this month or future months in order to maintain the site. The last time we received a good number of donations was back in December. Those donations have been completely depleted and we are relying on your donations for this month to help keep the site alive over the next few months.

    We are very honest with how we spend the money and we don't spend it on anything other than providing the servers that run the site and it's services. So we really need your help or the site might not be around in the coming months for all of us to enjoy.

    You can donate by PMing wtfmateAteam and he will PM you back the details on how to donate and handle it from there. We aren't using an automated system anymore due to security reasons. So you'll just have to bare with us till we figure out the best method possible for handling these things. We have a few ideas, so we are working on it, but it's like everything else around here, it's in a constant state of Flux.

    Poster Wall

    You should see the link on the main page is now working correctly and leading to the right page. We've also ran a script that has scraped all the data for older movies, so ALL the images are working on the poster wall.

    Side Note: All the torrents now should have proper IMDB data, we have a few torrents that didn't process correctly, mostly foreign films. We will be working on sorting those out as well as adding some parsing features into the upload/imdb api to filter those types of things out.

    RSS Feeds

    We are testing these out and making sure they work, they are live on site and hidden somewhere in plain site, so you can test them out if you can find them. Again, they are still being tested to make sure they work properly and are reliable. But they will be announced soon and pointed out to everyone as soon as we are sure they work flawless.

    Future Things

    As always, we have a lot more coming, mostly 'Browse' page oriented in the immediate future, but in the distant future we will be making our staff class system changes and bonus system changes. We haven't decided how to handle existing classes yet as the new classes will have different requirements vs the currents classes, so your class may be changing to either a lower class or higher class depending on your stats/forum posts/ etc.

    Classes are going to be more User Participation based instead of strictly 'stats' based. Plus you will be required to purchase them as well if you want to move up and unlock site features. Lower classes will only have access to a pretty bare bones version of the site in the long run.

    That is all. End of Line.