Külföldi torrent oldalak PixelHD | PxHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. május 25..

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    Browse Page Additions - Site Maintenance - NOW.

    Update: Sorry took longer than I thought it would. Not because of unforeseen issues(although I did hit some of those) but because life happened. But things seem complete. Testing time!! Sort ALL the things. Comment and let us know what you think. =] -AtheistP3ace


    Movie Year(s)

    Long has the movie year been present on the browse page, but it served little to no purpose other than letting you know the year of the movie. Until now that is. You can now click on the year and the browse page will automatically sort from oldest movie to newest movie, or click again and it will sort from newest movie to oldest movie based on release year. (not time on site).

    IMDB Rating

    This has been a pretty largely requested addition, and we are finally giving it to you with a little added bonus. IMDB Ratings are now displayed on every torrent group (movie) and not only that, but we also made the ratings sortable from highest to lowest, or lowest to highest. So if you are looking for a movie that is highly rated on IMDB, just sort it. If you are looking for some B Movie Gold, sort it again. Pretty simple. We hope to improve on this by adding some more search functionality where you can search for movies that are 7.0 - 7.9, or 1.0 - 1.9 etc.


    We've added a comment counter to each torrent group, so you know if there are comments already on a torrent. These are also going to be sortable. Sort ALL the things.

    Search Fields

    Let's face it, everyone is searching for something. So we are adding some increased search functionality, but simplifying it in the process. Before you had to click another link and load another page to show some advanced search options, but we are condensing it down to a single search area. You'll be able to search by movie/tv show title, year, IMDB ID, A Name of a File inside the torrent, encode specifics, and of course a few more sorting options.

    These are some pretty big changes to the browse page, but we won't be stopping here, there are still lots of other changes in the plans for the browsing area, but right now we are just trying to lay the foundation for new features that are coming.

    We will be working on this over the next few hours testing, testing, and retesting to make sure it works correctly and everything is functioning properly.

    Enjoy and don't forget to donate to save LiMEY from impending doom.

    We are making a few more changes to the site, so things may go wonky for a bit, but rest assured things will return to normal shortly. We are porting some new changes over to help you guys out.

    So please be patient while we 'sort' these changes out.