Külföldi torrent oldalak PixelHD | PxHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. augusztus 21..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Moving Day

    Moving Day is Coming!

    Well folks, it's that time. We're gearing up for a move to a new server--really, really soon. We'll make another announcement closer to the actual moving day, but it will be sometime this month--the earlier, the better (possibly in just a few days).

    So, don't freak out if the site goes down for a little while. It will just be during the move to a new datacenter. irc will still be up, so you can all continue with your gaybashing and fag jokes.
    ...Which, of course, we don't condone, because it's homophobic and hateful.

    This move should be mostly transparent for the users, except for a few hours of downtime while we transfer all the user stats.

    Why, oh Why?
    The current site server has shown signs of imminent failure, so we need to make a quick switch before that happens (to avoid unexpected downtime, plus moving is cheaper than staying). We're also taking the opportunity to tighten security and upgrade the back-end, which won't be immediately obvious to you but protects all of us.

    The new servers are faster, bigger and cheaper than the current ones so we had already planned to switch them eventually. The extra power will allow us to recruit more users and increase our output of encodes. Unfortunately, paying for 2 sets of servers hits us pretty hard...in the short term we're doubling our costs for a month because of the overlap, but in the long run we're increasing capacity and significantly reducing costs.

    Now What's the Catch?
    OK. We really, really hate begging for donations. Some of you have been extremely generous recently and of course we appreciate that tremendously. But we didn't expect to pay for 2 sets of servers quite yet, at least until errors started cropping up.

    We (the sysops and staff) will have to cover much of the extra costs ourselves, so every little bit that you can help with will be terrifically appreciated. As always, donations are used exclusively to fund the site and for nothing else...without your support there would be no new features, no new movies and no site at all. Moving to new servers is just the beginning of some big things that are in the works, so if you can donate anything at all, you'll have our undying gratitude and the continued existence of your favorite HD tracker.

    To donate, just click the "Donate" button in the upper-right, and follow the instructions that arrive in your inbox.

    Thanks for your support!
    - ntg