Külföldi torrent oldalak ExtremeBits | EXB News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 02..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: Extremebits

    Show/Hide See you later posted 2011-08-27 16:36:18
    Announcement Hijack!

    (Give us all your money so we can pay the damn server bill!!!!!!)

    Donations are open again. If you would like to help keep the tracker going strong, please consider a donation


    Hey Everyone,

    It comes with a heavy heart to write this announcement. It's been clear for some time that I just cannot dedicate any time to the very little responsibilities I have here at XB (did I really even have any?). I love this community and all of you members*! This community will never be forgotten, and as long as it stays running I will work to poke my head in every so often (probably to raid ski movies).

    To the Admins who have been working this site before I got here, and are all still there when I am leaving my role: Congrats! I have no idea how you manage to keep the most fucking site in the world in the most fucking state it is... but you deserve a pat on the back!

    To the members like darkstar82, TRex, LameBMX and the others I have become friends with here: thanks! The support from this community has really given me the kick in the ass I needed with life.

    For those new users on this site, I started a few years ago here without even knowing what a torrent was. Putting in your time for the pure love of the community will pay off. This site isn't about just grabbing your sports movies and leaving. Poke around in the forums and you will find others who share your love with a sport and pornography.

    It was an honor and a privilege to serve as an Admin on the Most Fucking site. I hope that my absence will be filled with someone who is even more dedicated to the community!

    Long live Extreme Bits!


    *Note: I do not actually love all the members