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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. szeptember 24..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Sorry added

    Sorry about the temporary database issues, they have been resolved.

    PayPal removed, no longer accepting donations. added 4 weeks ago Donations have been removed from the site due to PayPal's new AUP.

    If you want to support the site please consider purchasing a seedbox from Seed.ST or a VPS/Dedicated Server from the newly redesigned Serv.ST.
    STRadio becomes StellarTransmissions.fm added 4 weeks ago SuperTorrents Radio, formally at stradio.org, has become a separate entity known as StellarTransmissions and is now managed and served separately from SuperTorrents. With this transition comes many exciting features including a continually expanding website with social networking and built in chat/IRC chat, a new IRC network at irc.stradio.org:6667 (channel #stradio), live HD video broadcasts, mobile broadcasts, dual cam setups, streams for every mobile device and as always, a collection of awesome DJ's from around the world! As a show of gratitude to SuperTorrent members for their continued support in the last few years, we will be having a final weekend promotion event in which listeners and viewers will receive a yet to be disclosed amount of bonus upload credit added to their account based on the amount of time you are tuned in! Dates will be posted soon so in the mean time, turn on, tune in, drop out and if you're a DJ looking for exposure and ready to take on the next generation of internet broadcasting we welcome all to apply for a resident DJ position!

    With these changes also comes a change in the staff line-up. Szentigrade will be stepping down as Sysop, following the promotion, to take on StellarTransmissions full time. But not to worry, alexj and toker are already at the helm and have many great things planned for SuperTorrents!