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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. július 13..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    "StellarWinds Grand Opening Weekend"

    Welcome to the new StellarWinds.me. We're having a Free Leech Weekend and a few contests to mark the grand opening weekend.
    The first contest is the 1st Annual Total Upload Contest. Instead of simply counting the number of uploaded torrents we'll be counting the total amount of data transferred in your collective uploads and the person with the most data transferred by 12AM EST on Sunday will win! Even if you don't have a great connection you can still get in on the fun by contributing your ideas for the new site in our Slogan and Logo contests. Free Leech and the Total Upload Contest will end at 12AM EST on Monday, July 15th so be sure to take advantage while you acclimate yourself to the new site!