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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. február 25..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    RO / Romanian

    Sa-MP este un mod / o modificare creat/a de catre Kye (Kalcore) si echipa Sa-MP (Sa-MP Dev.) toti din alte tari , ce te lasa sa joci online GTA San Andreas. Este bazat pe un Client (Numit si Sa-MP Servers Browser) si servere ce pot fi hostate ori pe un PC (Personal Computer) ori la o firma profesionista de hosting , ce a fost facuta special pentru asa ceva (sunt multe si romanesti)

    Ce este un servere de Sa-MP:
    Un server de Sa-MP este in general un server ce foloseste limbajul de programare Pawn (Similar cu C++ dar cu alte functii si valori) , nu este foarte greu de folosit , puteti invata citind de aici: http://wiki.sa-mp.com/ sau din carti special facute pentru acest limbaj.

    Serverele sunt bazate pe un Gamemod (Mod De Joc) si eventual Pluginuri si FilterScripturi (Scripturi pentru comenzi avansate cum ar fi un sistem de administrare "Admin Sistem")

    Nu exista in general un regulament pentru Sa-MP , doar ca sunt interzise Codurile (Ce iti dau un avantaj nedrept fata de ceilalti jucatori , ce sunt pedepsite in general cu Ban daca esti prins adica nu mai poti intra deloc pe acel server) si Flood-ul (Trimitere inutila de pachete nejustificate ce cauzeaza avarii serverelor de sa-mp) ce se pedepseste cu ban si pe forumurile de Sa-MP!

    Multe servere au propriile reguli pe care le puteti gasi ori pe server ori pe site-ul acelui server / comunitati.

    Exista mai multe stiluri de joc , ca de exemplu (Cititi pana la sfarsit va rog):

    Roleplay - Servere roleplay (Plictisitoare , parerea mea , dar cele mai raspandite) sunt acele servere care copiaza viata reala , iti iei o slujba , faci bani , cu banii cumperi masini, propietati , intri intr-o mafie / gang etc .....

    Fun / Object Stunts - Un server de Fun sau de Freeroam este un server pe care sunt puse obiecte in asa fel in cat tu sa te distrezi pe ele , sunt create chestii noi , rampe , sosele puse ca o bucla , locuri unde sa te impusti cu alti etc .....

    Stunt / Drift / DM - Acest stil de joc se numeste Pro Sa-MPing , adica poti deveni un Pro Sa-MPer daca practici asa ceva , spre exemplu Pro Stunt - Te folosesti de borduri , garduri , ziduri , sa ajungi in locuri unde nu ai putea ajunge normal , spre exemplu pe o cladire , Pro Drifting - In general Elegy / Bullet / SuperGT cu NOS (elegy mai des intalnit) ce iti permite o alunecare mai eficienta a vehiculului , este si mai greu de controlat dar dupa ce inveti pro drifting incepi sa te pricepi , posibil poti face rotiri de 360 de grade , etc ..... si Pro DM (DeathMatching) - Devi un Dm-er profesionist , inveti buguri de arme care iti pot oferii un avantaj (legal) fata de ceilalti jucatori , inveti sa tragi fara sa incarci , sa omori pe cineva fara sa tragi macar 1 glonte.

    Pentru a incerca jocul te invitam sa intrii pe serverul nostru personal (Ultimate Games) Role play: samp.radiomafia.ro:7777

    Detinem si server de CS 1.6: cs.radiomafia.ro
    Server TeamSpeak3: ts.radiomafia.ro


    EN / English

    SA-MP is a / an amendment made by Kye (Kalcore) and his team-MP (SA-MP Dev.) All other countries, which lets you play GTA San Andreas online. It is based on a Client (also known as SA-MP Servers browser) and server that can be hosted or on a PC (Personal Computer) or a professional hosting company that was made especially for it (there are many and Romanian)

    What is a SA-MP server:
    SA-MP server is typically a server that uses programming language Pawn (Similar to C + + but with other functions and values), it is very hard to use, you can learn by reading here: http://wiki.sa- mp.com / or special cards made for this language.

    Servers are based on gamemode (game mode) and eventually plugins and FilterScripturi (Scriptures for advanced controls such as a management system "System Admin")

    There is generally a regulation for SA-MP, but they are prohibited Codes (that give you an unfair advantage over other players, which are generally punished with ban if you are caught not mean you can not go on that server) and Flood site (Reference unnecessary packet causing undue damage to mp servers) that is punishable by money and the SA-MP forums!

    Many servers have their own rules that you can find times the server or server that site / community.

    There are several styles of play, such as (Read to the end please):

    Roleplay - Roleplay Servers (Boring, in my opinion, but the most common) are those servers that copy real life, get a job, make money, money to buy cars, properties, enter a mafia / gang etc .... .

    Fun / Object Stunts - A Fun and Freeroam server is a server that are put in as objects so you have fun on them, new things are created, ramps, roads made a loop, places where you shoot with other etc .....

    Stunt / Drift / DM - This style of play is called Pro Sa-push, that can become a Pro Let MPer if you practice something, for example Pro Stunt - I use the curbs, fences, walls to get to places where there You can get normal, for example a building, Pro Drifting - Generally Elegy / Bullet / SuperGT with NOS (Elegy most common) that lets slip more efficient vehicle is more difficult to control but after learning pro start drifting're good, you can make 360-degree spins, etc ..... and Pro DM (DeathMatching) - St-er become a professional, you learn weapon bugs can give you an advantage (legally) to the other players, you learn to shoot without load, to kill someone without even shoot one bullet

    We invite you to try the game to come in our personal server (Ultimate Games) Role play: samp.radiomafia.ro: 7777

    Owned and server CS 1.6: cs.radiomafia.ro
    Server TeamSpeak3: ts.radiomafia.ro

    www.facebook.com / ultimategamesro