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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 01..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Dr. Seuss Birthday Poetry Contest [​IMG]


    Tomorrow's the birthday of one special guy,
    Who wrote about cats, elephants and pies in the sky,

    His name's Dr. Seuss and we want to see,
    Which user can rhyme the best bit of comedy,

    Make us all laugh, whoop, gasp and wheeze,
    And we'll give you something that's sure to please!

    Give us a rhyme of 8 lines or more,
    And rest of the site will vote up your score,

    You've got 48 hrs, so give it a try
    Post it in the forum (HERE) - don't be shy!

    Do your best (or worst), no stealing & don't lie!
    The winner'll be one hell-of-a, swell-of-a guy (or gal)!